Grandma’s March

Grandma’s March is an annual virtual event to celebrate life, the Grandmothers and Feminine Wisdom.

It is a space to give voice to the “Grand Mother” archetype, a collective weaving from the 5 continents in 3 languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese) to talk about ancestral feminine wisdom, happening in a series of talks and sessions were amazing guests, women and men share their personal stories and the wonderful work they do in the world.

These times are calling us to go back to our roots and seeds, to remember who we are, to connect with the feminine wisdom of our grandmothers, and heal ourselves and the world.

We are being reminded that it is time to walk together in unity, to come back home and connect again to the stories, to nature, to our hearts and bodies, to our senses and elements, to our sacred rituals and ceremonies, to our traditions and communities, to art and play, connecting ourselves again to our inner and divine child, to our soul and real essence.

What is the importance of the Grandmother and the importance of their role for children and adults in these times? What would our grandmothers and ancestors tell us if they were here? How can they help us connect to our roots, and what they want us to remember? What can we learn from the past to create a new way for the present and future? How can we all connect to the Feminine Wisdom to create a better world? 


It’s Time to Revive Our Roots and Ask Ourselves What Did We Do Once We Knew?


Awakening our divine potential through stories, rituals and love!!


Reminding us it’s time to play, connect and celebrate!!


Collective weaving on feminine wisdom.